And so this man, the director of the destination management company České Švýcarsko (Bohemian Switzerland), decided to do something about it. He gathered a group of people and asked them to tell him what they could do to make the undiscovered beauty of this exquisite part of the world become a popular tourist destination. He listened carefully to all the ideas before deciding that he liked ours best. As we started cooperating, we too discovered the stunning beauty of this border region, and this led us to gradually come up with and create a number of concepts and strategies and reinvent the region’s image. Long story short, we got to work on the project Discover the Beauty of Bohemian Switzerland. And other projects followed. There was so much more to see than the photos on billboards, in media or online could possibly show. But we were sure that if we could convince people to get out there looking, they would surely find beauty. To make things as easy as possible for them, we started writing and creating a magazine named Adventures in Bohemian Switzerland, a magazine that’s neither a magazine nor a guide book but a chain of gripping real-life adventures. When nostalgia now takes us back to the places we know so well, to see the natural stone bridge Pravčická brána or go on a boat ride through the Kamnitz Gorge in Hřensko, we have to stand in line. But we’re not complaining, because with each step we are reminded of the success of our campaign. And that’s not a common occurrence in this field.




Noesis and České Švýcarsko o.p.s.


We have been taking part on a long-term basis in discovering new tourist destinations and in increasing the number of visitors to the region. We have designed a complete marketing and communication strategy, an approach to the entire project, a new visual style and a creative strategy and we have implemented a comprehensive and long-term communication campaign and all communication activities related to the project. The most important pillars of communication that we have provided as part of these projects are: ATL communication in media, outdoor advertising, print, on-line communication, communication on social networks, creation and development of the website, printed materials, publications, brochures and maps, POS materials, direct marketing activities and audio-visual materials.


Zážitky v Českosaském Švýcarsku (“Experiences in Bohemian Saxon Switzerland”). A magazine published yearly, innovative in the way in which it communicates with the readers because it does not aim to inform in the first instance, but above all, attract, impress and arouse the desire to experience the content of the pages. It is published in Czech and German and plays a significant role in the overall effectiveness of the campaign. The ultimate effect of the campaign is a double-digit year-on-year increase in the number of Czech, German and Polish tourists. The magazine continuously takes top spots in the Zlatý středník (“Golden Semicolon”) competition.

And so this man, the director of the destination management company České Švýcarsko (Bohemian Switzerland), decided to do something about it. He gathered a group of people and asked them to tell him what they could do to make the undiscovered beauty of this exquisite part of the world become a popular tourist destination. He listened carefully to all the ideas before deciding that he liked ours best. As we started cooperating, we too discovered the stunning beauty of this border region, and this led us to gradually come up with and create a number of concepts and strategies and reinvent the region’s image. Long story short, we got to work on the project Discover the Beauty of Bohemian Switzerland. And other projects followed. There was so much more to see than the photos on billboards, in media or online could possibly show. But we were sure that if we could convince people to get out there looking, they would surely find beauty. To make things as easy as possible for them, we started writing and creating a magazine named Adventures in Bohemian Switzerland, a magazine that’s neither a magazine nor a guide book but a chain of gripping real-life adventures. When nostalgia now takes us back to the places we know so well, to see the natural stone bridge Pravčická brána or go on a boat ride through the Kamnitz Gorge in Hřensko, we have to stand in line. But we’re not complaining, because with each step we are reminded of the success of our campaign. And that’s not a common occurrence in this field.